Facebook is hard. It's hard to scroll through and see all the political nonsense... all the articles and the videos about racial, sexual, general inequality. Everyone's stepping on someone thinking it can take them higher. Take them to this better position. Give them more power.
I just read an article (http://thoughtcatalog.com/melanie-berliet/2015/08/15-men-react-to-the-idea-of-taking-their-wifes-last-name-after-marriage/) where a bunch of men were asked how they would feel if their wives wanted them to take their maiden names after they were married. It's shocking how instantaneous the responses were. No thought. Just instant outrage based on entitlement. Masculinity is so... it's basically just another word for entitled anger. I think being a man should have nothing to do with whether or not you are superior to a woman. I don't really care about names... nothing in me wanted to keep my maiden name. Nothing made it feel important. I like my husband's last name and since I didn't feel strongly one way or the other, we just went with tradition. And I'm ok with that. But when did this custom even come about? Why? Why is it such a huge balking point for most men? Why does it seem to threaten the very core of masculinity if tradition isn't followed? It's strange.
Shortly after I read that article, I watched a video posted by Upworthy (an awesome site with lots of interesting and thought-provoking articles and videos). It was about a young black man's story about police brutality. (https://www.facebook.com/Upworthy/videos/1069739096400281/?fref=nf) It was hard to watch. It was hard to watch because afterwards, I wanted so badly to DO something. To change the world. To make it better for all those people that haven't had ANY short-cuts given to them because of the color they were born with... or the sex they were born with... or the sexual preference they were born with. Why are people's worth, value, strengths, weaknesses... Rights... why are all these things balanced on something so... shallow. Something that cannot be changed. Something you shouldn't WANT to change??
The British Royals used to believe (I'm not sure, they still might) that they were God's choice to be in power. Because they were God's people, blue bloods, they had a right to all the things... All the money, all the food, all the servants and slaves. They were allowed to say who lived and who died. That they were somehow innately BETTER than everyone else. That they were the ones that understood God's plan. They had to conquer the world and show it the one "right" path carved out by them with God's ever present hand on their divine shoulders.
The thing I think is the most ridiculously funny is... God's own son didn't demand any of that. He had nothing, shared everything, loved everyone unconditionally. He came to earth with the sole purpose of telling the world to do a better job of loving. Do a better job of sharing. Of listening. Of praying.
How did that turn into this?
No one is better than anyone else. No one deserves God's love or protection or mercy more than anyone else.
I don't really have a point. I'm frustrated. It's hard to facebook. I'm tired of the political nonesence... All the racial and sexual and general inequality. I want a break. I want to go back to when everyone wrote stuff about what they were doing. When you had too much information about the food some third cousin you have no interest in talking to is eating...