Then, after Chris left, I caved to my craving and had a second breakfast. I couldn't resist! The breakfast casserole I made was too good!!!
It's not just that I had a second breakfast… my second breakfast included bread. A bagel to be precise. It's hard to avoid bread. I love it so. But I am trying.
I thought I would make it up with an extra long run, but not only was it really hard to get motivated to run, it was really hot outside. And I'm sore from running the past three days. So I didn't push myself as far as I would have liked. Though… I think I'm beginning to actually feel a difference. I used to run in spurts, short spurts. But today I managed to run from the top of the hill all the way to the dinky little bridge-type thing. So I feel like that's progress. I also walked the last block holding my arms out and pulsing upward so I was getting more of an upper body work out. I can feel it in my sides under my ribs. Progress.
And, though I didn't run a mile without breaking a sweat, (More like walked most of a quarter mile, breaking more sweat than women should) I did actually GO. And that is a pretty positive thing. ^_^ GO ME!!!
Only 360 more days of this. >.<
I know how hard it can be to stick to a new fitness routine. I applaud you for your success! You can do it!