Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A New to me Car

I have never picked out a car for myself before. Never before gotten to find something that felt like my own vehicle. I had an 800 dollar car after high school that my mother and my sister had found and I paid them both back for it. I loved that car. A little Subaru Legacy wagon... 1992. I put stickers all over it and across the back was "Dude Magnet". She was my happy little ride for about 6 years. She would not die, either. Everything was wrong with her. But she just kept chugging along. For the first few years of owning her, I never once put any oil in her... she died on me at the top of the hill on the way to college, but I took her into my mechanic friend and he put her all right and she kept on going. And going. And going. She was my little energizer bunny. When the government funded the buy back program the only stipulations were the car had to drive onto the pick and pull lot and it had to fail smog. Try as I might, she would not fail smog. So we ended up selling her to someone else and the money went to fund my sister's wedding.
  But yesterday I got to shop, test, and buy a car just for me. With all the things I like and exactly the crappy second (or third or fourth) hand car that I wanted. It's another Subaru Legacy, but a 2003. And not a wagon. I have only driven her once, but I absolutely love her. I have named her Stella and I am going to treat her right.
  I have never really had brand loyalty before, but Subaru... they have a costumer for life in me.

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