Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 7- Motivation.

I was actually going to write this yesterday, but I totally spaced.
I woke up really early this morning. Whenever I wake up super early, I have a hard time getting my bones to move. And if I don't get out and run first thing… I have a really hard time mustering up the motivation to actually go do what I need to do. I think this is the first time I've written before I've run. But I was thinking yesterday how my goal cannot be self-hatred.
I can't motivate myself that way. I want to. I feel like I would get so much more done. Haha! But I can't. I need something positive behind me, pushing me on.
So I changed my goal from losing weight… to Running the entire way. I want to be strong enough to run from the moment I step out the door, till the moment I come back in. I feel like that is what momentum is all about. Because once you lose weight, what is there left to do? But if your goal is something that is challenging you do be better, stronger, more persistent…. you are learning a greater lesson, acting towards a positive. Moving in a direction of health, rather than personal satisfaction. Sure. It would be nice to slim down. But if my goal is greater than just slimming down, then I am more likely to stay healthier longer.
You know… I can really feel it this morning. Not soreness… that's worn off. But strength. I felt stronger when I woke up. I felt like my feet touching the ground was not the act of gravity pulling me down, but the muscles holding me up.
Maybe that's silly. Maybe you can't feel something like that 6 days into doing it. But even if it is all in my head… it's a nice feeling!
Ok. No more procrastinating… I'm going. I'm going to run two loops today. Just to see if I can. ^_^
I just realized I should post pics of where I run! So you can see where I go and what I see. And my hill. Haha! Alright. That's another plan.

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